It's that time again... your roots are coming out to play and you got to get rid of them.
Here are some steps to follow and tricks to use to properly color your roots without messing with your hair extensions:
Extend your in between root touch up time with Root Spray: https://www.sallybeauty.com/hair-color/shop-by-color/black-hair-color/black-root-cover-airbrush-tint/SBS-405094.html
It's best to put conditioner or a leave-in conditioner in the extensions before applying so the color doesn't run into the extensions and reduce their lifespan. (Especially if you have blonde ends, this is a must.)
Avoid getting dye on the point of attachment of your hair extensions if possible.
Use Demi-permanent dye instead of Permanent in case you ever want to go light again: https://www.sallybeauty.com/hair-color/shop-by-type/demi-permanent-hair-color/intensive-shine-demi-permanent-cr%C3%A8me-hair-color/ION104.html?selected_pid=SBS-305478&selected_color=1NA%20Blue%20Black&col_dispval=1NA%20Blue%20Black
Mix with 10 vol or 20 vol Developer depending on how resistant your hair is: https://www.sallybeauty.com/hair-color/other-products-and-applications/developer/sensitive-scalp-10-volume-creme-developer/SBS-305040.html
I also suggest you invest in a bowl, brush, clips and cape for easy application.
Using a non-metallic bowl or tint bottle, mix 2 oz ion(r) Color 2 oz or 4 oz ion Developer 10/20 volume. Apply the mixture to dry unwashed hair.
Processing Time:
Standard processing time is 10-40 minutes at room temperature. After processing, rinse hair thoroughly until the water runs clear. Shampoo and finish with a deep conditioning mask.
If you have any issues or questions be sure to contact your hair extension specialist.
Need hair extensions care products? Checkout out our Hair Extensions Care Cosmetics line, products specially designed for the care of your extensions.