Tape Hair Extension Packs
Recommended Order Amount
Thin Hair 2-3 Packs
Medium Hair 3-4 Packs
Thick Hair 4-6 Packs

Natural Tape Hair Extensions
Highlights Tape Hair Extensions
Add-on Product
Hair Extension Care Products
DO HAIR EXTENSIONS DAMAGE MY OWN HAIR?With proper care and maintenance, our extensions will not damage your hair. In fact, many of our clients find that their own hair is longer and healthier after their extensions are removed. Proper maintenance is extremely important, so we will go through all the steps in detail during your consultation. It is also extremely important that when the extensions are removed, they are removed by a trained professional, as removing them improperly can be damaging.
HOW LONG DOES MY HAIR HAVE TO BE TO GET EXTENSIONS?At least chin length or longer.
HOW DO I BOOK AN APPOINTMENT?You can schedule an appointment here and then choose a time and date that best works for you. Because of the custom work we do, a consultation is required before an installation appointment.
WHAT DOES THE CONSULTATION CONSIST OF?You will learn and physically see each method type - how it will look and feel, we will discuss your hair care and what products you should be using, we will teach you how to properly maintain, clean and care for you extensions, we will color match your hair and see what other colors we can use to achieve visual depth and/or color changes without altering your real hair, and finally we will see how many grams of extensions are right for your hair. This will be a mini extensions class for you to learn everything you need to know. Consultations fee is $20 which will be credited towards your first appointment.
HOW DO I PURCHASE HAIR?Hair can be ordered through our online Shop or you can call the Salon to make an appointment for an in salon purchase.
WHAT IS THE QUALITY OF THE HAIR?We offer affordable, quality hair extensions. Our Remy hair is the second highest quality in the market and is a 10A Grade, Double Drawn and imported from Brazil. The hair comes from multiple donors and is chemically process to get that perfect silky shine and color. This type lasts 3-6 months when taken care of. Our hair factory has 11 years in the business while holding onto a 4.9 out of 5 star rating and over 600,000+ transaction.
WHAT HAIR DO YOU HAVE AVAILABLE IN THE SALON?You can find our hair in the "Shop" tab which shows what is in stock. What is in stock online is what we have in store. We always carry the most popular colors in 14", 18" and 22". Other colors and lengths will have to be ordered and can take 10-15 business days to be made and arrive.
CAN I BRING MY OWN HAIR?Unfortunately no, we only work with the hair we carry to guarentee the best results.
CAN I REUSE THE HAIR?For Keratin Tip Installations no, Remy hair is not reusable. For Tape Weft Installations hair can be reused 0-2 times depending on the quality.

Tape in Hair Extensions for Thin Hair
Tape in hair extensions are the best method for thin haired clients because they lay flat to the head due to their paper thin, silicone foundation. Unlike Keratin Tips or I-Tips which are a piece by piece application, tape ins are installed using a sandwich application which means you can put more pieces in the head without overwhelming the scalp. This way, the panels are spread out evenly and feel unnoticeable for the client. Lastly, at Premier Violet Hair we provide Tape Wefts, or long tape ins which is ultimately the best kind of tape in hair extensions as they give a blanket-like coverage for instant volume and length, plus a faster application, more discreet grow out, and stunning results.